13 Sept 2013


This shows the gradual completion of my final coursework piece for art. I think it goes to say that it took forever, but I'm happy with how it ended up.

Jess (:

4 Sept 2013

Corfu Town

In July I went on holiday with some friends to Corfu, the weather was gorgeous and although its not a place famed for being rich in architectural beauties, there were still a few sights to be seen.

The old fort: a very substantial structure of necessary for the practicalities of the building, but also was majestic in its solidity, like a sleeping giant.

We explored the underground tunnels which were claustrophobic at times and sadly it was too dark to get a decent photo.

The view from the top: Corfu Town. Forts tend to be more broad than tall, yet that didn't make the view any less magnificent. 

Narrow paths between buildings, typical of this style of architecture often found in Greece. It makes for a bustling atmosphere and shady walkways to try and escape the heat.

A couple of holiday shots - it wasn't all bricks.

Jess (:

11 Jun 2013


You still post here? Yes. Or at least I tell myself I try. Anyway, back on topic.

A review! This is a first so go easy on me.

I've just got a new phone (yay) and have been having a little look at what architecture apps are out there. Now, being a student I am essentially constantly broke, so I was looking for something cheap, if not free. 
Although there are quite a few different apps put there, often (like with most magazine apps) the app is free but you have to pay - what sometimes seem like extortionate amounts - to actually read/download each issue. 

Yet there is hope! WAN (World Architecture News for those who don't know - I didn't, showing off my lack of architectural knowledge here) have a totally free app where you can find the latest architectural news from all over the world. Like the clue wasn't in the name. 

I've only had it a couple of days, but its a quick and easy way to update yourself with current goings-on. The articles aren't too wordy or technical -i.e. you don't feel like you have to be an architect to read it. Also, the photos are good quality and plentiful, and we all know how bloggers love a good photo browse. 

Hope this is useful, 

Jess (:

P.s. I should say that this wasn't a sponsored post.  

6 May 2013

Reading Up

So I often feel a bit childish when talking about architecture because I'm not that well-informed on the subject. I thought I might as well do a bit of reading to get more awareness about it, especially with uni fast approaching - I'm leaving in October (!!!).

This book is called '50 Architects You Should Know', and it basically lists a selection of the most famous architects - old and new and with a wide range of styles - with a large photo of their most famous work and some information about their style and biography.

I liked it because it had a range of different culturally influenced styles, so it seemed to have quite a broad range to look at. 

Also, I felt better about my architectural knowledge when I found architects I already knew of, like Gaudi. I've actually been to Barcelona and seen the Sagrada Familia a couple of times, and it doesn't get any less beautiful. If you get the chance you should definitely go - also worth seeing is the Park Guell, its really colourful and portrays the nature that Gaudi was inspired by.

Jess (:

2 May 2013


Waheey an actual post.. and its definitely architectural. 
Last month I visited the Ecobuild Exhibition in London, which was really interesting. Less about actual buildings, and more about the building, the materials, the energy involved, and all with green ideals in mind.

Here's a selection of my favourite parts of the exhibition.

'Thermobimetals'. Two alloys laminated together so when heated the metal curls. Very unique as its only available in 4 countries (i think), requires no operator and can be used for self-ventilating and sun-shading. It also has a very appealing aesthetic.

'Barkcloth'. A composite of a Ugandan bark and some other materials (including cotton and hemp), this  can be used more decoratively e.g. lampshades, furniture and fashion. Majorly reducing CO emissions.

'Lime-pozzolan concrete with crushed construction & waste'.
Basically, this is a bench made of concrete with recycled brick and stone, producing a mosaic effect. I think its a really good use of construction waste, its something different - a plain concrete bench could be considered ugly. And it stops the waste from going to landfill.

The Dulux dog!! Couldn't miss a shot of this guy.

These are examples of some architecture students work, looking at the use of roof gardens and how they can be integrated into design.

Here is a demonstration of a (almost) perfectly insulated house. The insulation was bare so you could go up and see/touch it - it also showed examples of SIP and PV panels.

Lastly this is work from a university competition - the winner got to have their design made. I believe the design brief was along the lines of 'an archaeologists storage box'. So I think you would be looking for something that would be safe, have lots of compartments and could also act as a display case. 
All the other designs were on display and were all amazing, I could only dream of having such intricate ideas.

Ecobuild made for a really good day out, and it was useful talking to the university representatives that were there, if you're considering going next year.

Jess (:

27 Mar 2013

Getting Back

So it's been a while. The other day I was walking through a part of town I haven't been to before, and saw this Polish church. I thought it was quite interesting, and the style of brick creates an intriguing texture on the front of the building.

Didn't stay long as I had a bus to catch, and the photos were taken on my blackberry so aren't great quality. Really want to save up for a new camera (!)
Jess (:

21 Feb 2013

You already know

I just like that song.

Anyway.. just a short post with some links to some things I've been reading recently.
Firstly, the online version of The Architects Journal (http://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/) Probably a pretty standard read if you're interested in architecture - they have a good page on sustainability as well, which is something that I'm particularly interested in.
Also ABC+D have an online magazine (http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/1e2ee86c#/1e2ee86c/1), and you can find more at www.buildingtalk.com, but thats more about products and technology than design.

Jess (: